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9 out of 10 consumers want to purchase from purposeful brands.* In this fragile time, when we shop, we can be the change.
CIRCA are proud to form an ongoing partnership with i=Change to give $1 from every transaction back to those who need it most.
In celebration of International Women’s Day, CIRCA will increase our $1 donation to $3 per transaction from Wednesday 8th March – Friday 10th March.
Our collection of handmade products now not only deliver beautiful moments for your everyday but
give you the opportunity to give back – on us. We like to call it our scents of purpose.
With each transaction across CIRCA Online, customers will be able to choose where their allocated dollar goes,
transparently track it and see the change. Now every online purchase can make a difference.
Once you check out on CIRCA Online, you will be in control to choose 1 out of 3 impactful charity projects to support:
In Vanuatu, three quarters of the population live in rural areas
and on remote islands - many lack access to clean water,
education and essential healthcare.
Women and girls are most disadvantaged by poverty as cultural
norms and high rates of violence limit their opportunity to attend
school, earn an income or share in community decision-making.
CARE Australia’s Empowering Women in Vanuatu project builds
women’s confidence, knowledge and skills to improve their liveli
hoods, while supporting women to step into leadership positions
and participate meaningfully in decision-making at all levels in
their community.
This project also connects women with the Vanuatu Chamber
of Commerce to help them develop an entrepreneurial spirit,
grow their small business and increase their income.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children continue to fall
through the cracks of our education system, trapping them in a
cycle of vulnerability and illiteracy. This devastating gap is
particularly evident in remote Indigenous communities, where
the writing abilities of year 9 students are at year 1 level. If not addressed in the early years, this issue continues into adulthood.
In remote areas, up to 70% of Aboriginal adults are
‘functionally illiterate’. This is a national tragedy.
We believe literacy is freedom; to take control of your life, be informed, have a voice, stand up for your rights, resist exploitation,
be self-confident and self-reliant. Literacy unlocks the door to
learning and a world of endless possibilities.
The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation is
transforming lives through community-driven, ground-breaking
and best practice literacy programs. Working in English and Indigenous First Languages, ALNF is committed to creating sustainable, long-term change.
In the male-dominated slums of Calcutta, girls come second in
every way. They are rarely sent to school, and often end up forced
into child marriages, child labor or sex trafficking.
Even for families who do want schooling for their girls, a decent
education is unaffordable.
By providing education and academic tutoring, Her Future Coalition ensures that girls have the chance of breaking the cycleof poverty and exploitation by getting a quality education.
Our commitment to these girls is long term. Many of the girls
who begin our programs as young children have gone on to
college, and are now empowered to transform their families and
communities from within.